Amateur Radio Wiki Guide
This blog named "Ham Radio Websites World" is designed to the unit of or Pages Amateur Radio Blogs on the Internet.
In this way you have an alternative that makes finding information on amateur radio, as well as allows to present Amateur pages published in different countries of the world.
If your page or blog is not present in this blog and wants to guide its experience in Amateur Radio, send your web address or name of your page to "Ham Radio Websites World" by Email from the contact appears in the box at the bottom of this page.
Similarly, if you want to create a blog or page of these features (no charge) and not has the appropriate skills, send any information you want to publish, text, photographs, etc.. This should make contact by email first with Radio Club ORCHIES, through the same box that appears at the bottom of this page.
You can turn copy the web address of "Ham Radio Websites World" http://hamradiowebsitesworld.blogspot.com to insert on your website so as to weave the World Amateur Radio Network.